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Standard scuff & shoot paint jobs start at $600-$1000 depending on different factors. This DOES NOT include door jambs, under the hood, or under the trunk and no color change. Prices increase from there based on amount of work. Give us a call for base pricing. Custom jobs will be priced at consultation. 



We can airbrush any design you choose, or we can freehand any design. Pricing is done on case by case basis. 




We can also tint your headlights and paint chrome. Call for details!



We offer several types of paint work. Standard one color, multi-color, custom freehand airbrush designs, as well as tinting headlights and painting chrome. Anything you want, we can do. We have 1000's of paint color combinations from House of Kolor and Lessonal. Give us a call to make a consulation appointment!

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